2025 Advocacy Priorities
Where We Stand
The American College of Physicians advocates to ensure that Medicare meets the needs of internal medicine physicians and their patients. We support the goal of aligning physician payments with the efficient delivery of high-quality care to patients. We support improvements that would do away with unnecessary administrative burdens that divert physicians away from patient care. For the transition to value-based payments to work, performance measures used for payment or public accountability must be evidence-based, clinically relevant, and appropriate; and internal medicine physicians must be given ample opportunity to participate in a range of diverse alternative payment models that can accommodate a wide range of specialties, practice sizes, and unique patient populations.
- Promoting Transparency and Alignment in Medicare Advantage 10/2017
- Reforming Medicare in the Age of Deficit Reduction 4/2012
Latest Advocacy Efforts
- LetterACP Comments on Contract Year 2026 Policy and Technical Changes to the Medicare Advantage Program and Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Program Proposed Rule 1/27/2025
- LetterACP Letter to Congressional Leadership Addressing ACP Policy Priorities 1/16/2025
- LetterACP Comments to PTAC in Response to RFI on Identifying a Pathway Toward Maximizing Participation in Population-Based Total Cost of Care Models 12/20/2024
- LetterACP Comments on 2025 Physician Fee Schedule, Medicare Shared Savings Program, and Quality Payment Program Final Rule 12/20/2024
Search the ACP Policy Library
To access everything ACP has said related to Medicare reform issues search all policy statements, copies of testimony, and letters to government and non-government officials.