ACP has developed clinical policy papers and performance measurement commentaries that are published in scientific journals to educate ACP members about performance measurement initiatives.
- The Nuances of Performance Measurement and Clinical Guidelines (Annals of Internal Medicine, 2024)
- Quality Indicators for Pain in Adults
- Quality Indicators for Osteoporosis in Adults
- Performance Measures for Physicians Providing Clinical Care Using Telemedicine
- Recommending Caution in Patient-Reported Outcome–Based Performance Measurement
- Time Out -- Charting a Path for Improving Performance Measurement (New England Journal of Medicine)
- Pay for Performance Through the Lens of Medical Professionalism
- Evidence-Based Performance Measures: Preventing Unintended Consequences of Quality Measurement
- Design and Use of Performance Measures to Decrease Low-Value Services and Achieve Cost-Conscious Care
ACP also develops public policy papers and performance measurement commentaries to educate ACP members about performance measure initiatives.