Affiliate Membership Details

For licensed non-physician health care professionals.

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Affiliate Membership

Annual Rate


ACP's membership year currently runs from July 1 to June 30. Beginning in February 2025, ACP is transitioning to an anniversary-based membership cycle, which means that new members joining ACP will be renewed annually based on the date they joined. Dues are subject to change.

Renewing Members

ACP's membership year currently runs from July 1 to June 30. Beginning in February 2025, ACP is transitioning to an anniversary-based membership cycle, which means that new members joining ACP will be renewed annually based on the date they joined. Dues are subject to change. A special introductory dues rate may be offered to new members when they first join.

The allocation of chapter dues are waived for newly elected members. Upon membership renewal, annual dues will include fees to support both the national ACP and the members local chapter. Chapter dues rates vary by chapter; therefore, the dues rate that a new member will be charged at the first renewal will be dependent upon the chapter to which he/she belongs.

General Information & Requirements

Non-Physician Affiliate membership is available to licensed non-physician health care professionals who maintain their professional credentials to practice. Eligible professionals include: physician assistants, nurse practitioners and other advanced practice nurses, registered nurses, pharmacists and doctors of pharmacy, and clinical psychologists.

Non-Physician Affiliate members do not have voting privileges, and will not be able to hold office or become a Fellow in the College.

Apply Online or download the Affiliate Application

New Members

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Affiliate Membership
Annual Dues Rate $119.00
August $109.08
September $99.17
October $89.25
November $79.33
December $69.42
January $59.50

Please note that March to June dues rates have yet to be announced.