Final continuing resolution fails to address medicare physician fee schedule reimbursement cut, other health care priorities

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ACP Lastest Link Type
ACP Advocate

Travel distance to lung cancer screening facilities varies by race/ethnicity of communities

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ACP Lastest Link Type
Annals of Internal Medicine

Professional Development andFulfi llment

Location: ACP Headquarters, Philadelphia PA

Contact: Jess Drass

Event start

Council of Early Career Physicians Meeting

Contact: Brook Leshak

Event start

How ACP members can support Los Angeles wildfire recovery and aid efforts

The wildfires in Los Angeles are being described as the most destructive in the region's history. ACP members who wish to provide support in the recovery efforts can help via the following organizations. There are also resources available for physicians impacted by the wildfires.

Leadership Day Attendees Pre-event

Contact: Laura Baldwin

Event start

AGIA Webinar

Contact: Laura Baldwin

Event start

Navigating the world of artificial intelligence in health care

External URL
ACP Lastest Link Type
KevinMD Blogs

Welcome New Fellows!

Helpful information for new ACP Fellows. Welcome to Fellowship and congratulations on your recent election.
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