California Chapters
- Northern California
- Southern California Region I
- Southern California Region II
- Southern California Region III
Locate your region
Contact information for Governors and staff in each region
Meet the Governors
- California Northern Chapter - Angie Chen, MD, FACP
- Southern California Region I Chapter - Eric P. Hsieh, MD, FACP
- Southern California Region III Chapter - Rejan C. McCaskill, MD, FACP
- Southern California Region III Chapter - Tammy Lin, MD, MPH, FACP
Welcome Letter from the Governors | Past Governors| Northern California Governor-elect | SoCAL III Governor-elect
California Chapters Awards
2022 Chapter Awards
Congratulations to the following California Chapters awardees:
Southern Region I
Aaron Azose, MD, Resident Educator Impact Award
Rachel P. Brook, MD, FACP, Chapter Laureate Award
Amanda Ewing, MD, FACP, Mentorship Impact Award
Jason Gilbert, DO, Outpatient Teaching Impact Award
Nader Kamanger, MD, FACP, Inpatient Teaching Impact Award
Southern Region II
Philomena Cho, MD, FACP, Master Teacher Award
Kimberly Ding, MD, Outstanding Medicine Graduating Senior
Christine Duong, MD, FACP Woman Physician of the Year Award
R. Corey Garrison, MD, FACP, Mentor Award
Jin Hyun Moon, Outstanding Medicine Graduating Senior
Nikolas Naleid, MD, Outstanding Medicine Graduating Senior
Alina Popa, MD, FACP, Chapter Laureate Award
Ava Runge, Outstanding Medicine Graduating Senior
Neha Chiruvolu Singh, MD, Resident of the Year Award
Southern Region III
Charles J. Hamori, MD, FACP, Chapter Laureate Award
Alex Maloof, Outstanding Medical Student Award
2024 Evergreen Award
The John Tooker Evergreen Awards Program provides recognition and visibility to chapters that have successfully implemented programs to increase membership, improve communication, encourage member involvement, enhance diversity, foster careers in internal medicine or improve chapter management. Our Chapters received the 2024 John Tooker Evergreen Award for our initiative, Narrative Medicine Collaboration (California Southern I, II, III) and Live Your Best Life Program (California Southern III, a joint program with the North Carolina Chapter.

Award Archives
California Chapters College Awards